Thursday 12 August 2021

Positive side of Covid-19 in my farming initiative

 I too feel too scare of pandemic crisis and feel very sad for devastating effect it leaves across the world. Flipside, it opened up new market horizons for our organic fruits due to long drawn lockdowns of local markets. We explored and worked out a Farm-to-Fork strategy and started supplying organic fruits to direct consumer markets (B2C) outside our region. It boosted our confidence and made us to enter into farming of new era of fruits like Organic Banana and Taiwan Guava. These covers all seasons fruits in our farm starting from Jackfruit in January to Sapota in December through out the year season including Mango, Custard apple, Sweet lime in between months. Some additional fruits like Pine apple, Water apple, Apple Bear and other Exotic fruits have over lap in few months.   

With this new addition we are farming about 50 fruits including few exotic fruits like Dragon, Persimmon, Mangosteen, Apple Bear, etc. 

We are now seriously contemplating to share our Exotic fruit farm with others who are very keen in enjoying organic natural fruits through out year. 

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